Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chocolates Madness

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?

Uols suka tak chocolate? *grin* Ada yg dok sengih tuh.... suka la tuh :P... Sekali sekala makan, rasa best nye.. esp kalau dapat chocolate yg betul2 rich kan? Fuhhhh sodap! Ohhh ada jugak yg geleng pala, tak suka ek? sebab? Manis? Ermm... mmg ada tak suka chocolate coz manis, creamy, lemak camtuh kan? Esp kalau time2 panas camnie, chocolate mana la best makan. Kan? 

RedBerry mmg suka chocolate. Kalau nampak mcm2 jenis choco! I'll go loco! RedBerry suka sumer, tapi white choco RedBerry kureng skit. Entah la naper.. taste nye mcm tak kena skit ngan lidah nih. Tapi kalau org kasik pressie white choco, RedBerry makan jugak :P

Chocolate strawberry

Strawberry dip in chocolate... yg nih mmg glamour habes la, esp after Dato' CT declare dia suka time wedding dia dulu kan? Comey pun comey... sodap pun sodap... Sexy pun sexy... kan? *wink*

A moist chocolate mud cake

RedBerry tgk gambar kat atas nih, dah kecur ayaq liuq! Aduihhh tingin la pulak cake chocolate. Nampak moist jer kan? Fuhhh... kalau amik skit pun, mesti nak lagi. Kena pulak minum ngan hot cappuccino... walla! perfecto! muchimo! gracias!

Choco Madness

Kita tau la kan, kalau makan chocolate byk sgt, mmg tak elok for our health right? Yang paling kita, ladies, takut... GEMUK!!! ohhhhhh yg ni mmg menakutkan! Tapi tu kalau kita makan chocolate almost EVERYDAY and makan mcm makan kacang. Sekali makan habis sekotak. Mmg la patut rasa guilty sesgt kat body kita wokey! :P 

Uols tahu tak, setiap bende tuh ada pro and cons kan? Sama la ngan chocolate. Tak salah makan chocolate nih, tapi kena pandai pilih and makan dlm kuantiti yg SIKIT... yes.. skit... kalau beli satu bar tuh, jgn ler habes kan satu bar tuh, makan ler sekeping jer. Yg lain tu share ngan org lain :) Sharing is caring what? *chuckle*

Actually, chocolate is not bad as we used to think. Untuk menenangkan dan menyedapkan hati for choco lovers, jom kita tgk apa benefits of chocolate

1)  People who eat chocolate at least one bar a week (bukan nye one bar a day... jgn salah baca) can reduce risk of getting heart attack by 27% and stoke by 48%! Waaahh, not bad at all huh?

2) The dark chocolate is the best choice in part to lower the blood pressure because it's believed high contains of flavonoids.

BUT STILL... kita tak leh amik byk sgt chocolate ye, ladies and gentlemen. Chocolate is still high in calories and eating too much will definitely swell us in a health trouble. *nanges*

A cup of hot choco

Perhaps you may try to find chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa and limited sugar added. So! Hot chocolate anyone?? *big smile*

Ok la. See ya in my next entry!

Till then... a bientot!


Anonymous said...

nice blog..
i love chocolate so much :)

RedBerry said...

Hey u!

Thanks for ur comment! take care.