Thursday, October 14, 2010

skin tones and skin undertones

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?

Senang tak kalau nak pilih foundation color that suits to ur skin tones? Mayb for some ladies, sumer nie kacang jer! Tapi for most us, it might be a continuous difficult task for us. Sekali beli eh! tak cun pun.. nampak tak ngam ngan kaler kulit kita. Dua kali beli, ishhh naper mcm tak menjadi jer makeup nih. Tiga kali beli pun sama! End up frust tertonggeng. Duit pun habis. Ye tak? Jom! RedBerry nak share info camna nak cari foundation kaler yg sesuai. Ada theory di sebalik nya :D. Sebelum tuh u all kita kena tahu pasal skin tones and skin undertones.

Biasanye skin tones ada tiga: warm, cool and neutral. Tapi uols tahu tak apa tuh skin undertones? Tak sama ke? Ohhh tidak sama, tapi related. Skin undertones is either yellow or pink undertones. Kalau uols have warm skin tones, biasa nye ur skin undertone will be yellow / golden. Kalau uols have cool undertones, biasanye it will be pink / bluish skin undertones. Kalau neutral takyah pening kepala. Sumer kaler akan suits ur skin tones. Nak pilih foundation kaler yg sesuai mmg kena tahu pasal ur skin undertone.

First of all mesti uols jugak tertanye2 dan tak sure whether u have warm, cool or neutral skin tones. Ye tak? Ye la, mayb selama ni we thot that we have warm skin tones, rupa2 nya we have cool undertones. Isshh ishh... haru... Actually ada a few method nak determine our skin tones as well as skin undertones. Jom kita belaja sesama!

1) Belakang pergelangan tangan
Now uols pegi tepi tingkap, kasik ur skin kena sunlight skit. Cuba uols tadah tangan, tgk wrist tuh. Uols nampak urat (veins) kaler apa? Greenish or bluish? If ur veins are blue, u have cool skin tone. Hence, pink skin undertone. If ur veins are green, u have warm skin tone. Hence, yellow skin undertone. If u can't decide whether the veins are bluish or greenish, u have neutral skin tone. 

2) Gold or silver dress?
This is the best way to determine ur skin tone. Kalau uols letak kain kaler silver kat muka or pakai dress kaler silver, muka uols nampak berseri and org nampak pun sesuai sgt. Maknanya, u have cool skin tone. Tapi kalau pakai golden/yellow dress lagi nampak seri, u have warm skin tone.

3) White gold or yellow gold?
Kalau uols pakai white gold lagi nampak terserlah, it means that u have cool undertone. Kalau pakai yellow gold lagi nampak berseri, u have warm undertone. Kalau dua2 nampak cun jer... u have neutral skin tone then. Lucky u!

So remember this:

warm under tone = yellow skin undertone
cool skin tone = pink skin undertone 

Masa nak cari foundation tuh, uols kena tahu la whether u kena cari yg sesuai utk yellow or pink skin undertone. Kalau makeup SA tu tak tahu... uols la ajar dia ek? hehhee... Now uols dah tahu dan makeup SA takkan tipu uols. Good luck!

Ok la. See ya in my next entry!

Till then... A Bientot!


ZuRin said...

Salam, RB...Hi! first time nak comment kat blog yang interesting ni. Thanks for sharing the entry...banyak info. So, do u speak french? Boleh lah ajar nanti...:) Till next time...

RedBerry said...

Hi Zurin! Thanks for reading my blog yg tak seberapa nih "blush". RB akan share la apa2 yg terlintas kat kepala. Do i speak french? I must say, no.. but i did put some effort to learn french b4 i pegi Paris early this year *chuckle*. Nanti RB ajar skit2 ok? Take care :)

Rohani Hashim said...

berry berry, jgn riso xde malware kt belog berry, dapat masuk elok jer nih..hehehe