Thursday, September 30, 2010

Zoophobia..... i think so!

Bonjour! Comment Allez-Vous?

This morning, it was raining. The traffic was bad compared to usual. Mr RedBerry was unable to send me to the office. So, while driving along the Kesas and MEX hiway, i was listening to the It almost a year now, has been my and Mr RedBerry's fav radio station. We just love to listen to Kril, KE and of coz SY. Tak kering gusi kalau dgr these three stooges when they start cracking some jokes (they always do!). Apparently, it is a Malaysia's #1 radio station in Bahasa Melayu! Why dun u try to tune in to SINAR PAGI - every morning then?

Anyway, this morning they were discussing abt ZOOPHOBIA. Yup, perhaps most of u are already familiar with this term. But for those who have never even heard this word, basically u know la zoo = animals, and phobia = fear. So dgn kata lain, fear of animal (la peur de l'animal). Let me share with u some info abt Zoophobia.

Zoophobia or animal phobia is a term for the class of specific phobias to particular animal. It's an irritational fear or even simply DISLIKE of any non-human animals. It is an abnormal and persistent fear of animals. But uols jgn confused pulak dgn sensible fear of dangerous or threatening animals like fear of venomous snake. Tu lain ye. Yg ni either u mmg tak suka or geli ngan binatang tuh. Contoh paling dekat la kan. My two sisters, they have this kind of phobia. The first sister, simply HATE frogs. Even if she saw it on the tv screen, she will scream! katanye nampak jer rasa geli nak muntah. Pelik kan? tapi benar. Another sister pulak, she's scared of cockcroaches. Geli katanye sebab merayap. Hahaha. Yeahh yeahh sedap jer RedBerry gelakkan my sisters kan? Uols tgk pix bawah nih, for u cute la ek?

Ohh cute la ek???? guess what! I also have zoophobia! i m freaking scared to...... CATS!! yup!! i know.. gelak la.. gelak... i m scared of CATS.. any cats. Kalau dgr "meowwwwwwww", jgn harap I would say, "here kitty kitty... " *vomit*. even if i look at the photo of a cute cat, i would see this:

Tu belum terserempak the real cat! hahaha.. yeahh yeahh i know. Nabi pun sayangkan kucing kan? BUT, it's just... GELI.. i dunno how to tell you guys. I can even sense, if there is a cat nearby. Punye la takut. My hubby pun pelik, but nak buat camna. The first pix of cat is just like how my bro and sisters' cat looked like. She died 10 years ago. I must admit she was a 'pretty' and very gentle cat. But everytime, she's walking towards me, i will like ..'ALAMAKKK!!! shoohhh shooohhh...!!! argghhhhhh" - yeahh i know, it sounds like org giler or sth like that. Dah nak buat camna, cute or manja la mcm mana pun, terserempak jer, it will look like the 2nd pix.. trust me! Nampak jer kucing, i will just like......

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! go away!!!!

Ada this one incident, i was lepaking watching telly. Masa tuh I was baring. The telly was kat ujung kaki i. Tetiba, masa dok syok2 tgk citer apa dah time tuh, tetiba i nampak 'something quite familiar and scary' dok intai me ujung kaki... masa tuh my mind tgh concentrate, so slow la skit nak capture the image tuh. Sekali, "meowwww" (nak panggey dengan manja la tuhhhh). I was like, "@#$%^%$#@!! Argghhhhhhh!!!! shooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh! &*^%$#@$%^&!!!"... amik ko segala bahasa terkeluar! hahaha... pity her (i think it was a female cat. It's a Persian cat to be exact. She's ermm cute.. but.. argghhh geli!!!). Terus dia lari lintang pukang. It was my neighbour's cat. Masa tuh me and my fren was staying at a studio. So tahu la camna senang jer dia nak masuk, kalau pintu dah terbukak. *scream!!*

Until now, kalau balik umah my mum, tgh2 basuh pinggan kat dapur, kalau nampak jer kucing dtg, i will just throw away the pinggan dan menjerit! Gelak la.. gelak.. uols yg takut katak, cicak, lipas tuh.. apa citer???? (chehhh.. berlagak tuh.. hahhaha).

So uols. Eventho it's an abnormal fear, but it happens to most of us. Cuma kita takut pada binang yg berbeza. Jgn takutkan org dah mmg takut dgn binatang tuh ye? Boleh pengsan tau!

See ya in my next entry.

Till then...... À Bientôt
Red Berry

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

True Beauty.... A bucket of berries

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?

What do u think of this pix? Termenung sekejap kan? SubhanaAllah... cantiknye....  Elle est belle!!!

Hahah how i wish this was my daughter. Dream on! Cantik kan gambar ni? Tension jer tgk kan? Uols boleh argue ni gambar budak kecik. Mmg la cantik. Takde masalah kulit, takde masalah hidup and so forth. Tapi kan, perasan tak? Cantik sgt2 subjektif. Cantik secara fizikal atau secara rohani. Especially for us ladies mesti nak cantik, ye tak? Tidak berhidung mancung, tak semestinya hodoh? Tidak tinggi tak semestinya tak cantik. Tapi memiliki kulit yg licin dan gebu, rambut yg lebat dan terurus, mata yg bersinar dan gigi yang putih merupakan aset yg diidamkan oleh semua wanita, ye tak? Makeup and touch-up tuh semestinya. Tapi apa yg penting adalah cara kita menjaga kesihatan kita. Yg ni lagi kekal lama kan?

So nak jaga kesihatan, byk cara nye. Antara nye amalkan petua2 org2 dulu, exercise and mcm2 lagi. But in this entry, i would not touch abt any petua org dulu2 or anything like that. I will share with you some info and benefits abt BERRIES. Info ni Red Berry amik from InTrend mag Sept 2010. Cover Dato' CT. Thanks to InTrend. Tgh2 baca tadi, tetiba nampak an article abt this. So why not share with uols, rite? Kalau sesapa tak suka berries tuh, try jer lepas nie. It's really good and tasty.

A bucket of berries... good for us ladies

  • mencegah kanser
  • memanjangkan usia
  • rich with Vitamin C - biasa nye kalau nak kulit cantik, mmg kena makan Vit C
  • Ubat demam dan selesema
  • Membersihkan darah dan hati
  • Menguatkan kidneys, eyes and ears
  • manis dgn aroma yg wangi... mmg sedap.
  • rich with vitamin and fiber
  • memperlahankan proses penghadaman
  • mengekalkan kadar metabolisma yg tinggi
  • membakar lemak
Blueberry (this is mon préféré)
  • Antioksidan, vitamin C & E
  • mampi melindungi penyakit jantung, kanser dan masalah kabur penglihatan dan hilang daya ingatan dalam jangka yg singkat 
  • Anti aging!!!! (OMG!! takyg beli skin care yg teramat la mahal nyeeee)
  • Anti keresangan - awet muda (so far try makan ulam jer... so boleh la try blueberry pulak)
Cranberries (apart fr fruit... tingat lagi Ode to My Family from the Cranberries.. hehehe)
  • Rich with Vitamin C
  • Merawat jangkitan salur kencing
  • Antioksidan
  • Merawat asthma
  • Reduce cholesterol
  • Melindungi saraf otak

So far Red Berry try minum InnerShine® Berry Essence. Dlm tuh sumer jenis berries ada. Try jer, mana tahu menjadi, nak mata cantik mcm Danielle lah! *chuckle* It has a pleasant smell and of coz it taste really good! cuba lah!

Ok la. U may already knew abt all these info. But for those who do not have any idea abt the benefits of berries, or simply forgot abt it, i hope this entry helps. Sharing is caring :)

See ya in my next entry.

Till then.....À Bientôt!
Red Berry

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pinocchio.... Don't Lie!

Bonjour! Comment-Allez-Vous?

I told u b4 rite? that i just bought a netbook - Dell Inspiron Mini the Nickelodeon edition. Yup, i am using it rite now *grin*. Love it! Petite and so cute!! Kalau baca review, actually this one is meant for les enfants (kids). Sebab ianya basic. The price also is cheaper than other netbooks with different brands. Mmg Red Berry taknak cari yg canggih sesgt and mahal. Netbook nie is just for updating the blog, checking e-mails, usha2 FB. So rasa nye dengan harga dan its cuteness, it's more than perfect for me! I must admit i was attracted by its color. Apparently mmg trademark Dell Nickelodeon pun which is white and green slime. Alaaa.. kalau things for kids, u know la how it looks like kan? *chuckle*

HERE IT IS!!! cute tak? 

This entry is not for me to review abt the netbook. Tgk balik topik entry ni. Nampak tak gambar tuh? Pinocchio kan? Kalau sebut jer pasal pinocchio, and pulak tuh time idung dia start panjang. Haaaaa.. maknanye... it's abt someone talks lies. Yup, ni bukan someone yg i kenal pun. But someone yg Mr Red Berry and myself terpaksa berdepan. It's all abt negative body language. Kalau dah both hands letak kat bawah ketiak. Biler bercakap, mata pun dah tak tgk directly to us, kejap2 tangan gosok idung. Isshhh isshhh.. lain macam. Eventho cakap la sehebat mana pun but body language never lies.

Actually ni citer masa we all dok bz cari netbook. Masa dok tgh2 usha tu. Lalu la kedai ni. Tetiba ada org tegur, 'kak, cari laptop ke? Mari la tgk2 sni kak'. Org kata nampak kedai Melayu... so nak tolong Melayu la kan? So my dear Mr Red Berry stop situ then tanye pasal netbook. Mamat tuh start la dok cakap pasal 'new' netbook special edition, i quote him, "abg nak tgk yg limited edition punye? cantik, bang. Kalau abg tgk mesti abg nak". Fine! pi la suruh dia amik. Sementara dok tunggu tuh, so-called boss mamat tuh dok depan my hubby. My hubby tanye mcm2 la pasal netbook nih. Mula2 dia ok jer, lepas kena tanye tuh, and of coz masa nak menjawab soklan2 berapi nih, terus tangan letak kat bawah ketiak, mata terkebil2. Kejap2 gosok idung. Pandang kita mcm kita nih budak tadika. U know what i mean kan? Siap cakap kedai dia jer ada special edition ni. Mr Red Berry dah smell sumthg fishy dah. tapi sebab kesian kat mamat tadi kan? Tunggu la jugak. The best thing is when we asked abt the price, they said the ori price was RM1,299 but they sell at RM1,199. Mahal jugak (for me lah). In that case, might as well go for Acer which is RM1,099. 

Apart from that, since dah hangin nih, ditambahnye hangin lain lak. Mr Red Berry try tgk netbook tuh and tanye why takde internet connection? Mamat kuli tuh boleh menjawab sambil terkekek, i quote him, "apa, bang? internet? hehehe mana ada internet, bang? hehehe" and he kept on giggling. Time tuh Red Berry dah malas nak layan. Terus tarik tangan my hubby. JOM! so buhbye!!

Surprisingly, we managed to find the same netbook with the same model (and of coz a brand new) but with a far cheaper price. It was sold at RM1,060. So u do the maths! Tapi sayang... nak tlg Melayu.. Melayu tipu. So dapat la kat org bukan Melayu. siapa rugi? Definitely not me! I've got what i want!!! *chuckle*

Moral of the story: Pinocchio.... Don't lie!!!!

That wud be all for now. See ya in my next entry.

Till then... À Bientôt


Monday, September 27, 2010

Première Entrée: Malu..... Tapi Mahu!

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?

Kalau tgk topik tuh mesti uols tertanye2 mende la yg RedBerry ni malu sgt, tapi mahu? *wink wink* NO NO NO (mcm lagu Destiny's Child la pulak), uols jgn ler pk yg bukan2 tau *grin*

Bukan apa, this is my first EVER blog and my first entry! Title pun 'Première entrée', so rasa ala2 London film premiere gitiew *chuckle*. Newbie la katakan. Ada trasa excited, rasa blank pun ada. Apa tak nye, writing skill tuh dah berkarat (ermmm, mmg ada skill ke??? hehe). Rupanye susah gak nak start a blog nih. Salute la kat uols yg mmg pakar tulis blog. All these while, RedBerry selalu gak follow bloggers kat luar sana. Ada jer idea dan ditulis dengan celoteh yg sgt menarik! Ada citer pasal family, fesyen, travelling dan ada jugak citer pasal skin care and makeup.

As for me, i will just write things that i wanna share with my readers. Actually, my first intention to start blogging is to promote my husband's café (coming soon.... insyaAllah). Dah mintak restu awal2 from him. Once project café tuh dah start, i will start blogging abt it. I will update u on the progress of the café, what's new, food promotion etc. Since this is our first 'baby', kena la promote lebih skit kan? At least biar org tahu pasal café tuh. But in between, i will blog about what i read, what i saw, what i heard - anything under the Sun. I will write 'em all in my humble blog. Org kata Sharing is Caring rite?

Why did i choose "Classique Red Berry" for my blog name?

Classique = klasik : part of the café's name (nanti Red Berry announce dlm entry yg lain)
Red Berry : I simply love the name and it represents la femme (a wife or a woman). Plus i am a red lover. Mmg sesuai sgt jd nom de plume (pen name). 

So here it is! Pada yg sudi membaca celoteh RedBerry, terima kasih daun keladi. Harap2 baca lah lagi. Apa yg akan ditulis di sini adalah untuk dikongsi semata2. Seandainya ada yg tidak suka atau terguris, maaf dipinta. Oh ya! To all my dearest readers, any photos and write-up in this blog are NOT meant to be shared or copied without my permission. Tanye dulu ye :)

Guess what? Bersemangat punye pasal, i just bought myself a netbook! - Dell Inspiron Mini the Nickelodeon edition - semata2 untuk blogging.Semangat kan? Semestinya! With that, i am welcoming myself to this cyber world! 

Ok la. C'est ma première entrée to say hello to everyone out there! Bonjour tout le monde!

See ya in mon deuxieme entrée (my second entry)

Till then....... À Bientôt!
